Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Three P's (Random Musings)

I decided today that I need more poetry in my life.

Not only do I spend far too much time in my foreign-policy-wonk world, but I spend way too much time sweating the small stuff. Okay, not all of it is “small.” Some issues are decidedly worth sweating- huge, enormous, and potentially life- altering. That’s part of the problem: I see almost everyone and everything in my life as life- altering - a potential “core shaker” (if I may so liberally borrow a SATC phrase). It must be the drama queen in me. This is especially problematic when these “life alterers” and “core shakers” turn out to be less than what I thought them to be, but I digress…

Poetry is one of my three favorite p’s: Poetry. Passion. Peace. It’s part of the philosophy by which I try to live my life. Try to live each day beautifully, passionately, and do your part to tread softly on the earth. It’s not always easy to put into practice, but in theory it’s a good mantra. Lately I have felt so much unrest. Internal agitation and unease. One would think trying to dedicate a career to the cause of peace would be enough, but no. Just trying to get this career off the ground is a struggle of epic proportions. I need more peace. I need more poetry. I need more creativity. I need more passion.

Katie and I spent last night on the green watching “Casablanca.” Outdoor movies are perfection- especially classics. It was picturesque- Bogart and Bergman, the U.S. Capitol as a backdrop, with an audible sigh from the audience the first time they played “As Time Goes By.” It was beautiful- the poetry of Hollywood. And I decided right then and there I would have more.

Understandably, since Bogie is most definitely a “core-shaker.”

So I am committing to having more poetry in my life, metaphorically and otherwise. I’m dedicating myself to beautiful days filled with the things I love. I don’t think it makes me a glutton, this insatiable desire for passion and poetry and creativity and the lovely things in life. After all, it’s all about perspective. Lovely things are laughter and and conversations and sunsets and long walks. Less glutton and more romantic. A hopeless, hopeless romantic… it may not be life-altering, but on some days its enough.

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